How to Run an Effective Race

How to Run an Effective Race

The word “effective” means, “to accomplish a purpose; to produce a deep or vivid impression.”

Is your Christian life “effective?” Are you producing a deep or vivid impression in the lives of those God has given you to influence?

In this episode of the podcast we study a famous passage…Hebrews 12:1-3. In this passage we see three ways to run and effective race.

Do you want to leave a deep and vivid impression for Christ in the lives of those He has given you to influence?

Then I encourage you to listen to the podcast above and challenge yourself to run an “effective” race.

When you finish that podcast check out some Lunchtime Nugget videos. You can find them on the Pulpit to Pew YouTube page. Whether you are a big YouTuber or not, please help me out by subscribing to the channel.

Thanks for listening!