Let the Podcasting Begin...

Well you have found your way to my blog. That probably means you at least listened to the first 3 minutes of the podcast!

Even if you haven’t thank you for taking the time to check this out and I hope you will listen to the podcast and subscribe on either Apple podcast or Spotify.

This first podcast is a simple introduction to the book of James. Actually, more of an introduction to the author James.

James was a man who missed some wonderful opportunities, but he didn’t let it paralyze him. Instead, it propelled him forward to be a man of great influence in the early church!

At times we allow missed opportunities or past failures to hinder what God wants to do through us. Learn from the past, but don’t dwell there. God wants to use you to do something great for Him today. Don’t miss out!

Enjoy the podcast and I look forward to this adventure with you!