What to Ask for in Trials?

Every Christian will go through trials.

Understandably, some new Christians struggle with that truth, but if you have been a Christian for some time you know this is true.

But how do we get through them?

Just knowing that trials are coming is not enough to guarantee we survive them. Trials lead everyone to one of two conclusions.

Either we cling to God in dependence or we run from God in anger.

Neither response will remove the pain or earn you a “get out of the trial free card,” but responding in dependence to God does change your perspective of the trial and open you up to some wonderful promises of God.

For those choosing dependence upon God, here are three promises to ask for.


Trials have a way of making us weak mentally, emotionally and physically. Many Christians try to avoid looking weak and foolishly try to overcome the trial in their own strength.

Paul’s thorn in the flesh made him weak but that weakness taught him a valuable lesson.

2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Paul’s weakness combined with his choice of dependence upon God, gave him access to God’s strength.

When you find yourself in a trial, acknowledge your weakness and cry out to God to give you His strength. Your weakness isn’t a handicap it’s an opportunity to see God’s strength displayed through you!


Prayer is our supply line to God in the trial. His abundant, sustaining grace flows to us through prayer.

Because prayer is so vital, the enemy tries to sever that supply line. When we suffer, the enemy often whispers, “God doesn’t care about you and He isn’t answering. Why waste your time with these worthless prayers?”

It’s easy to get discouraged and quit praying, which cuts us off from the very help that we need!

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 4:16, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

When you find yourself in the trial and the adversary begins to whisper in your ear, cry out for God’s grace and mercy. He promises it will be there “in time of need.”


This phrase has been ringing in my head all week, “don’t waste your trial.” Every trial is an opportunity.

An opportunity to mature.

An opportunity to develope patience.

An opportunity to be more like Christ.

An opportunity to broaden your ministry.

An opportunity to glorify God.

God has a purpose for your trial. James reminds us of this truth when he writes, My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Many miss important lessons from trials while we spiritually protest against God inwardly and sometimes outwardly.

In your trial cry out to God and ask for wisdom. Ask God to show you the trial from His perspective.

Your Choice…

I wish I could tell you that being a Christian makes you exempt from trials, but I can’t. One thing I can guarantee you though, is that the season of trials can be the most fruitful times of your life and can develop in you a deeper and more intimate relationship with God than you have ever known.

You are either in a trial or headed for one and you have a choice to make.

Run from God in anger or cling to God in prayer.

God loves you and wants you to choose Him. When you do claim His strength, His grace, and ask God to give you wisdom. You won’t regret it!